Sunday, October 2, 2011

What a Poem I'd Create...:)

Exam...this was the very first thing that struck on me right after my choir life.

I hope I wasn't too late to start study, yet thinking of there was so many things that should be covered in merely three weeks time, I started to shake with fright. Argh, there wasn't much time left!

if only I can multiply you by many many times, 
I would do so without hesitation. 
Reality is always cruel to us, right?
24 hours per day is so little for me,
not only me, I think...
but you said I'd been wasting loads of time doing things that are futile...
That's not useless,
All of us needs rest and fun...
Well, I have to message, if not I would miss him profusely
And that would make matters worse!
Day dreaming?
Oh, you caught me!
I was speechless then...Haha!
Self photographing?
Err...that's one kind of entertainment,
And to remind myself how I look:)
I know you are speechless with all my reasonable reasons...
My dear time,
My beloved time,
My precious time,
Would you kindly multiply yourself?
48 hours will do...
Your answer is...
So, I hate you!

My Faith In Choir...

Wow! It's have been a long time since I last update my blog...:)

The very first thing I would like to share around-CHOIR...

Everyone was anxious...everyone was panic...everyone wants to win...
Yeah, including me...We'd spent plenty of our precious time, we'd sacrificed much, we'd put in so much feelings and effort into it, maybe not everyone, but majority...

The outcome was we failed...We thought we were good, we thought we stand the opportunity to win them, yet the final result was so disappointing. I remembered that particular moment, when the spokesperson announced the result, Che Tom yelled out with joy, feeling on top of the world that they gained third, and our holding hands became tighter. Suddenly, reality struck into me, and I began to feel hopeless...yeah, we get second...

Getting second prize was good enough, well, maybe for the other school, but definitely not for me, not for us, not for Ibrahim! We'd been the defeated one since ages ago, why? Hmm...

Beyond The Point of No was one of the song we sang in our choir...and it sounds absolutely true, we can't turn back to our pasts. What we've done was done...Instead of keep on looking back, we should look forward, right?